Saturday, 27 July 2013

Structured Interview with PETRONAS


so i just nak share my SI with PETRONAS. so that sapa2 yang bakal menghadapinye ada la sikit sebanyak input untuk preparation..

Interview by Petronas yang i attend ni ada 2 stages.. mayb ada yg 3 stages depends..

  1. CBI (Competency Base Interview)
  2. SI (Structured Interview)
CBI - more to chat session with HR Manager.. and die akan tanya base on your experience.. so don't lie.. coz they will know.. x penah experience just say so.. during my time die tanya 2 question yg experience base ni.. 

1st - what is the most problematic event i encountered during study and how i manage to solve it.. 
2nd - what things i need to do very quickly and how i do it.
else.. just regarding HR matters.. tell me about ur self.. family background.. bla bla bla.. etc. which i believe you shud prepare yourself in every job interview.. (which i didn't) hahaha...

mostly ppl will pass this kind of interview.. next will be SI

during my time it divided into 2 section - Case study & Role play
Case study - you will be given 1 page article and it can be anything.. not limited to technical.. normally general issue.. on the same paper.. it will state what u shud come up with.. either it required ur opinion, suggestion for improvement and etc. 

next is Role play - you will be given 1 role.. and you have to act accordingly with the interviewer.. the interviewer roles will be change as he/she pleased.. so just play the card.   

in short what are they actually look from u is :
  1. CBI - the HR manager will profile your personality
  2. SI - CASE STUDY - they want to see how creative you solve a problem.. this u shud be thinking out of the box la.. 
  3. SI - ROLE PLAY - they want to see your decision making.. how u make a decision.. is it easy for you to change what u have said. or vice versa... my advice is to have solid reason for what ever decision u have made. 
and lastly.. all the best and Good luck.. just be yourself.. do not pretend and keep calm.. 
solat hajat jgn lupa.. insya ALLAH kalau it is your rezeki then the position is yours...

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